Ian’s Legal Fact of the Week 11/2/15: Which Day is the Deadliest?

While Mondays might be the most unpopular, statistics over the past decade show that homicides are much more likely to occur on Thursdays than any other day of the week; Tuesdays are the “safest” with the lowest rate of homicides.


Ian’s Legal Fact of the Week 11/2/15: Which Day is the Deadliest? — 4 Comments

  1. I always recommend serious meetings and business to take place on Tuesdays — it’s the only day of the week where you can be sure that the majority of people are completely sober. :D) Every other day of the week, they are either starting to get drunk or getting over being drunk. My own theory about Thursdays is that people have just started their weekend partying and haven’t settled into the groove well enough.